Dharwad: Just as ASHA workers are appointed by the health department to ensure health facilities reach the rural population, the government has appointed ‘Pashu Sakhis’ to cater to the healthcare of cattle and other animals. In Dharwad district 144 Pashu Sakhis have been appointed. They will disseminate information about various government schemes for the welfare of livestock to farmers and the facilities extended by the department of animal husbandry. Each gram panchayat will have one Pashu Sakhi. These workers will act as a bridge between farmers and the department of animal husbandry and will participate in the extension activities of the department, said an official. “With many vacancies in the department remaining unfilled, the staff crunch was affecting services to rural people. In a bid to overcome this problem the Pashu Sakhis have been appointed,” said Ravi Salogoudar, deputy director of animal husbandry. The federation of self-help groups in the gram panchayat limits will select one person to serve as Pashu Sakhi and she will be trained by the department at three levels. The selected Pashu Sakhis will work for 15 days in a month and they will be paid a honorarium, the officer said. Pashu Sakhis will help the rural people get loans from banks. They will provide first aid to the livestock, create awareness among farmers about rational use of fodder, vaccination and other issues related to healthcare of the domesticated animals. The Pashu Sakhis have already started working in rural areas and the response from the people is good. After their appointment, there has been considerable dip in complaints about inadequate service. While Dharwad taluk has 35 Pashu Sakhis, Alnvanar has four, Kalghtagi 28, Hubballi 26, Kundgol 26, Annigeri nine and Navalgund 16.
144 Pashu Sakhis appointed in Dharwad to help livestock healthcare in villages.
- March 15, 2024
- 1 minute read