SANGUEM: Dairy farmers in Wadem, Sanguem, find themselves in a challenging predicament as the green fodder they painstakingly cultivate to feed their cattle faces relentless destruction by bison. Many of these farmers had transitioned to dairy farming, abandoning sugarcane cultivation after the closure of the Sanjivani Sugar factory. Enticed by the government’s Kamdhenu scheme, they opted to grow fodder grass on their lands to offset the high cost of fortified cattle feed. However, their efforts are thwarted nightly by bison from neighboring forests, who ravage their plantations in the foothills. Local farmer Dhondo Varak expressed frustration, stating that despite repeated complaints to the Forest Department, their concerns are overlooked, leaving their crops vulnerable to wildlife. “As our plantations are in the foothills, the bison come in the night or early morning to feed on this nutritious fodder that we cultivate for our cattle,” lamented Dhondo Varak The situation is particularly dire in Dhangarwada ward of Wadem village, where bison are frequent visitors. The once vibrant dairy farming community of 15 has dwindled, with farmers either abandoning the trade or even selling their cattle due to mounting losses. Jano Zoro, a concerned villager, criticized the lack of government support for farmers facing such challenges, highlighting the disconnect between encouraging youth to venture into farming and addressing the practical obstacles they encounter. “While the government is asking youth to venture into farming, it is not providing the necessary support for such ventures by ignoring farmers’ problems and complaints,” he said.
Dairy farmers stare at losses as bison ravage grasslands in Sanguem
- March 11, 2024
- 1 minute read