
Pureture Revolutionizes Dairy Alternatives with Fermented Vegan Casein at Lower Cost

New York-based biotech company Pureture has developed a groundbreaking vegan casein using traditional yeast-based fermentation. The plant-based milk protein, designed for use in alternative dairy products, boasts a neutral taste and odour while being more cost-effective than its conventional dairy counterpart. The company’s innovative process bypasses regulatory steps, enabling swift market entry. Pureture’s plant-based casein

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Declining Milk Powder Prices Linked to Chinese Demand Concerns

Global milk powder prices have experienced a significant decline as a result of worries about decreased demand from China. During the most recent Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction, both whole milk powder (WMP) and skim milk powder (SMP) prices experienced substantial drops. This downturn has been attributed to China’s economic slowdown and decreasing consumer spending

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Uttar Pradesh Leases Six Dairy Plants for 10 Years to Boost Dairy Industry

The state of Uttar Pradesh in India has decided to lease six dairy plants for 10 years. This strategic move aims to invigorate the dairy industry and enhance regional production capabilities. By leasing these plants, the state government seeks to attract private investments and expertise to optimise dairy operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth in

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New Zealand Forges Stronger Trade Ties with India Through Expansive Business Delegation

In a strategic move to strengthen trade ties and diversify partnerships, New Zealand is set to send one of its largest business delegations to India. This effort comes amid a slowing Chinese economy and significant interest in fostering trade relations with other global players. The upcoming delegation, which dwarfs the size of a previous visit

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Study Highlights Concerns: Indians’ Dairy-Heavy Diet Lacks Nutrient-Rich Foods

A recent study titled ‘Dietary Patterns in North and South India: A Comparison with EAT-Lancet Dietary Recommendations’ reveals that Indians’ diets are skewed towards dairy consumption while lacking nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, the study emphasizes the need for a public health campaign to rectify this imbalance.

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Finance Minister Highlights Inflation Control as a Priority Amid Soaring Prices

The Finance Minister of India has emphasized the urgency of addressing rising inflation and stressed that raising interest rates is not the sole solution. As annual retail inflation hit a 15-month peak in July, propelled by soaring vegetable and cereal prices, the government faces mounting pressure to intervene. While efforts have been made to stabilize

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Global Milk Deliveries Rise Modestly, Impacting Prices and Market Trends

Global milk supplies continue to influence market dynamics, with tracking focused on the six key exporting regions: EU-27, UK, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. These regions collectively contribute to the majority of cow’s milk production and dairy product exports globally. May’s figures reveal a 1.1% year-on-year increase in average daily milk deliveries,

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